The Gryphon's Guild
For Gryphons and Gryph-Fans

Setting Up Your Character

Once you connect to FurryMUCK, you'll want to set up your character with a description, species, and gender.

The easiest way for a beginner to do so is to use the Player Hammer program. Open this by typing 'editplayer'. All of these characteristics can be set manually as well. Once you open Player Hammer, you will see a list of options.


You'll see:

Player Hammer V1.41 (C) 1994-1998 by Triggur
Your name is PoofGryphon.
2. Your description is ''
3. Your sex is .
4. Your species is .
5. You can NOT throw items.
6. Your home is Burrow(#113123).
7. You can NOT hand/be handed items.
8. You can NOT fly.
9. Your smell message is ''.
10. When you speak you see 'You  [...]'.
11. When you speak others see 'PoofGryphon  [...]'.
12. Edit sweep messages.

Enter '2' through '12', or 'Q' to QUIT.

First, set your species. Enter the number of the field you would like to set.


You'll see:

Enter your species or '.' to abort.

Enter your species.

Example: Fluffy Gryphon

You'll see:

Your name is PoofGryphon.
2. Your description is ''
3. Your sex is .
4. Your species is Fluffy Gryphon.
5. You can NOT throw items.
6. Your home is Burrow(#113123).
7. You can NOT hand/be handed items.
8. You can NOT fly.
9. Your smell message is ''.
10. When you speak you see 'You  [...]'.
11. When you speak others see 'PoofGryphon  [...]'.
12. Edit sweep messages.
Enter '2' through '12', or 'Q' to QUIT.

Now you can set your sex/gender the same way, by selecting the command '3'. The program will accept any gender. If you choose "Female" or "Male", the MUCK will set your pronouns to the typical ones. If you choose "Neuter", the MUCK will set your pronouns to "it". However, you can choose any gender and customize your pronouns for any of them.

Now set your description. Choose option '2'.

You'll see:

Would you like to convert this description to standard MPI (this may not work for complex MPI or MUF-based descriptions)? (YES/no)

These instructions are for a simple description with no programming. Convert the description to MPI.


You'll see:

< Entering editor.  Type '.h' on a line by itself for help. >
< '.end' will exit the editor.   '.abort' aborts the edit.  >
< Poses and says will pose and say as usual.  To start a    >
< line with : or " just preceed it with a period  ('.')     >
< Insert at line 2 >

First you must delete the default description you were created with, which is "You see nothing special." To delete this type:

.del 1

You'll see:

< deleting 1 lines starting at line 1  (Now current line) >

Now you can simply write your description. Hitting enter will start a new line. If you would like an empty line, you must add a space to that line, or it will be ignored by the editor. When you are finished with your description, type '.end' on a new line.

For example:
~ . o O o . o O o . o O o . o O o . o O o . o O o . ~
PoofGryphon is a very very floofy gryphon.
His avian half is that of a fluffburd, and his hind-
quarters are those of a fluffcat. There is no fluffier 
gryphon than PoofGryphon. When he is content, he 
fluffs his feathers further.
~ . o O o . o O o . o O o . o O o . o O o . o O o . ~

Now you can change other characteristics on yourself, if you would like. Selecting numbers '5', '7', or '8' will change your settings to on or off for these characteristics. You can also set a message that people see if they smell you ('smell [Player Name]'), as well as custom "say" messages. These settings are all optional.

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